Classified ads for professionals from the car industry
LeaseTransfer’s pro space allows professionals from the car industry :
- Garages, dealerships
- Car subscription companies
- Medium and long-term car rental companies
to offer your vehicles (passengers cars, commercial cars) to our users. In this way, you benefit from an innovative and unique distribution channel building a strong customer loyalty and an improved turnover rate for your new or used vehicles.
MADE TO MEASURE and SUBSCRIPTION FREE formula available starting from 3 spots:
- Available for 6 months for the PRO BOOSTER pack and for the PRO PREMIUM pack. You choose the exact number of ads you wish to upload. You can delete an ad and post a new one unlimitedly for the whole validity duration of the chosen pack. The validity duration of the chosen pack takes effect when your first ad is uploaded.
- Example: You choose the PRO PREMIUM pack for 10 spots. You put your first ad on the 1st of January, therefore your pack will be available until the 30st of June. During these 6 months, you will be able to put the 9 ads you’ve got left, you will also be able to delete the vehicles’ ads and put new ads subject to the limit of 10 vehicles uploaded at the same time.
Our MADE TO MEASURE and SUBSCRIPTION FREE formula will allow you to adjust your ads in accordance with your promotional activities. It will allow you to have a short-term visibility on the profitability of your publishing expenses. Go to the prices table to know the insertion fees
Each formula contains a dedicated page for your virtual garage with all your uploaded ads and a link to your website.
So as to highlight your offers, a list of options is available and adaptable to every uploaded ad.
With LeaseTransfer you increase your visibility and reduce your publication costs by choosing the exact number of places you want !